Nace en la Isla de La Palma (Islas Canarias), fruto de la herencia de aquellos viajes de ida y vuelta entre Canarias y Cuba. Cuenta con nueve trabajos discográficos que ha presentado en concierto por las Islas Canarias, en el resto de España y en el extranjero. Está considerado por la crítica especializada, como una de las formaciones más importantes de la música cubana hecha en Europa, lo que ha sido ratificado por los expertos cubanos que le han otorgado en 2012 el Premio Internacional Cubadisco. Con el Grupo han colaborado de forma estrecha, artistas de talla internacional como, Pancho Amat (Cuba), Manolito Simonet (Cuba), Lucrecia (Cuba-España), Alfredo Valdés Jr. (Cuba-Nueva York), Albita Rodríguez (Cuba-Miami), Raimundo Amador, Sole Giménez, Mayelín, Braulio o Martirio y ha compartido cartel con figuras del prestigio de, Cachao, Olga Guillot, Eliades Ochoa, Sierra Maestra, Septeto Nacional o Yerbabuena.
Troveros were founded in La Palma (Canary Islands) with the sole purpose of putting their heritage on stage and showcasing all the history of emigration between the Canary islands and Cuba. Their musical influences come from a wide range of styles, from traditional cuban music, son, guaracha and, even latin jazz.
Troveros de Asieta are a Canarian band with Cuban roots who have released seven successful studio and live albums so far: Tradicional (1994), Vamos a hacerlo bueno (1997), Siempre sonriendo (2001), Bailando con Lecuona (2004), Aquí en la Isla (2008) ,Troveros de Asieta 20 Años-2 CDs (2011), El son tiene duende (2014), Querida Cuba (2017) and Influencias del Latin Jazz (2020).
Their works have been widely recognized by the specialized critic, including them as one of the most important bands of Cuban music made in Europe. Furthermore, Cuban experts awarded Troveros with the prestigious award Premio Cubadisco in 2012.
During their career, Troveros de Asieta have been able to collaborate closely with many renowned artists such like Manolito Simonet, Alfredo Valdés Jr., Albita Rodríguez, Pancho Amat, Lucrecia, Raimundo Amador Sole Giménez, Mayelín, Braulio or Martirio.
In 2003, they had the opportunity to represent Spain at the highly regarded musical event, Festival Nacional de Los Septetos held in Havana-Cuba, where they played alongside many renowned Cuban artists and bands. Over the years, they have had the chance to share the stage with acts such as: Sexteto Turquino, Septeto Ignacio Piñeiro, Septeto Habanero, Sierra Maestra o Pancho Amat y el Cabildo del Son, Cachao, Olga Guillot, Yerbabuena, Jóvenes Clásicos del Son, Eliádes Ochoa or Septeto Nabori to mention few.

Troveros de Asieta 2023 © Aarón S. Ramos